Vervanging van kabel in wijkcentrale Oss-Centrum
In de nacht van 04 augustus gaat BBned onderhoud plegen aan de centrale in Oss-centrum.
Bbned schrijft :
Affected locations : Oss-Centrum Os-C
Network component(s) affected : Oss-Centrum / OSCASAM01
Activity description : Repair of defective cable
Impact : Total outage for all connections mentioned below
Reason : Defective cable
Date of work : 04-08-2005
Timeframe (CET) : 00:01 – 06:00
Duration in hours : 00:30
Additional Information :
Replacement of defective extendercable. Between Rack 1 shelf 2 and Rack 2 shelf 1.
therefor all customers can lose ip traffic.