25 dec

EvoSwitch router problem [Update]

Time: December 25th 2009 08:00:00(CEST)
Expected Downtime: Unknown
Location: EvoSwitch
Reason: Under investigation

Dear Customer,

At the moment we experience some troubles in (part of) our network.

We are doing our utmost to solve this issue a.s.a.p.
As soon as we have more information available, we will publish it here.

Since this router is a standby router most customers will not experience any problems.

Please be patient while we are working on this problem.

LeaseWeb BV

[UPDATE 8:30] We have rebooted this router, and all traffic has been restored. We will investigate the cause of this issue.

[UPDATE 10:10] The router experienced the same problems again, we have reloaded the router again so the the router will stay online till our engineer arrives. We are preparing a module replacement, and will do this when the engineer arrives.

[UPDATE 11:20] Our engineer arrived at EvoSwitch and we now continue with replacing the faulty module.

[UPDATE 12:00] Our engineer replaced the faulty module successfully and the router is online again.

[UPDATE 13:00] The router is still experiencing issues, we are still investigating. When we have an update we will update the NOC page.