09 nov

Storing op BITstream verbindingen

Om problemen te voorkomen zijn alle lijnen met problemen verlaagd naar een snelheid van 1024/1024. Deze snelheid geeft geen problemen en is er in ieder geval een mogelijkheid tot een stabiele verbinding. BBned is druk aan het onderzoeken samen met Cisco en KPN waar het probleem ligt.

BBned schrijft hierover :

Meanwhile there are two workarounds available:

– Reduce of the bandwidth.
– Adjusting the quality parameters of the connection.

So far one of both workarounds has resulted that each problem has changed in a workable situation.

It can clear be that bbned do not consider this situation desirable, because these lines do not meet the specifications which you have ordered at bbned.

The research, in association with Cisco TAC, is still in full proces.
Yesterday the problem has been reproduced on one of the test-lines of bbned .
This means that we are no longer depend on operational lines for the problem-analysis.
At this moment the research team of bbned and the Cisco TAC specialists are busy with the analysis of logs that have been obtained as a result of the problem on the test line.