27 jun

Storing maandag 27 juni 2011 IJsselstein en Doorn Televisie van Caiway (verholpen)

Dit bericht is van belang voor alle abonnees van Caiway wonend in IJsselstein of Doorn

Als gevolg van een glasvezelbreuk bij een van onze leveranciers zijn er problemen in de aanlevering van Digitale Televisie van Caiway.
Het is daarom niet mogelijk om gebruik te maken van Televisie van Caiway en de analoge radio zenders.

Onze excuses voor het ongemak.

Network Operations Center.

9 reacties op deze storing:

  1. I would have thought that this is worthy of some compensation. In the UK and US, if things like this happen then the customers would get a discount off their monthly bill, or free movies / sport or something for a month. However, living in Holland for nearly 8 years now, I doubt we will even get an apology. Customer Service is in general, bloody awful here. I called them today and I can confirm that they have no idea how long it will be. (I can also confirm, that in the field glass fiber repairs take no where near as long as they used to, so what is the problem ? Find the idiot that cut the cable(s), ask him where he did it, and then splice them together. It’s not rocket science)

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